Do job boards feel like endless searches with no results?
How many job postings have you had to click on and sift through the entire listing before finding out it isn’t right for you?
Are you in control of your career progression?
If you are already teaching then you may want to look for a teaching position at the start of next term. We can start matching you for roles near you as soon as you complete your profile.
Do you feel you’re being paid fairly?
High profile job boards can charge schools £2,000 per job post and agencies are driven by the high commissions they charge schools. This means less money for teachers and less money for schools.
The system is broken. Welcome to the solution.
Over £800m per year of fees go straight to the recruitment agencies and that’s money that could be going back to schools. We’ve built the solution to this problem: an online platform that streamlines the entire hiring process, cutting out the need for expensive agencies and job boards. As a result, we’ve drastically reduced recruitment costs leaving more for teachers and schools.
If you’re reading this, then you probably care as much as we do about doing what’s right for the education system. Help make this change possible by joining the thousands of teachers already signed up who have a found a more ethical way for applying to teaching jobs.

We currently work with over 2,000 schools spanning Birmingham, London, Leeds, Cardiff, Bristol and Manchester
The Old way

The New way

What our teachers think

Our support team
We have former teachers and platform experts giving you the best support, every step of the way. We're happy to help when you need us.