Pupil Referral Unit Teaching jobs in Harrow, London

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Pupil Referral Unit

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Showing 1 results...
Data Manager for a PRU in Harrow!
Pupil Referral Unit school in HarrowFull Time
27 Jan - Jul 25
JOB OVERVIEW:  This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced Data Manager & Website Lead to join our team and lead these critical functions.  You will be responsible for the curation and analysis of data across the school.  You will oversee the storage of data in our MIS and the use of information within our school.  You will write reports, and manage 3rd party reporting systems (such as Power BI), which empowers users to undertake their own analysis.  You will provide reports, as requested, for all stakeholders including the DfE, the Management Committee, Local Authority and the school leadership team  To maintain and update the Centres’ databases; setting up, collecting and expo
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Posted about 1 month ago
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