Try a better way to find your next teaching role with Zen Educate.

Try a better way to find your next teaching role with Zen Educate.

Try a better way to find your next teaching role with Zen Educate.

Try a better way to find your next teaching role with Zen Educate.




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Staying active in lockdown

Staying active in lockdown

Vivienne Chan

7 Dec 2021


min read

Are you finding time for fitness right now? The Zen team has lockdown fitness ideas to share with teachers and anyone working remotely.

With gyms closed and updated rules on outdoor exercise, many of us are searching online for alternative options. There has been a boom in digital fitness and the nation is turning to home workouts, for welcomed relief from too much time sitting down.

Idnaan, Zen Account Manager, helped our team discover a variety of free home workouts for many different abilities. Whether you’re supply teaching, still heading into schools or working remotely, we hope this collection of ideas will help you stay healthy and active.

Weight lifting, dance, yoga, cardio…what's your pick? Share with us on Facebook or Instagram.


Beginner's guides

Workout plans

  • Body Project: A highly energetic exercise programme includes HIIT cardio, resistance training, pilates and yoga. Great for beginner's workouts too.

  • HASfit: Their motto is “every Heart And Soul deserves to be fit” and they deliver exercise routines, meal plans and motivation to keep you moving forward.

  • Fitness Blender offers free workout videos for every level and affordable programmes.

With equipment

  • Peloton: Immersive, motivating cycling and total body workouts that fit your schedule, your goals and your mood.

  • Tone It Up focuses on womens’ health, they have a 'Love your Body' series and indoor cycling routines.

  • AfriFitness: Workout with African dance, resistance training and high-intensity interval training as you move to the powerful beats of African music.

Yoga and pilates




  • Couch to 5k: 8 Weeks, 3 Times a week, 30 Minutes a day.

  • Strava: Track your running and cycling progress.

  • Runtastic: Start an Adidas training plan, challenge yourself, and get stronger with every workout.

Workout plans

  • 30 days fitness at home: Suited for anybody at home - each challenge has three difficulty levels.

  • Nike training club: Free workouts, including HIT, invigorating yoga classes, bodyweight workouts you can do with minimum to no equipment and cardio.

  • Kayla: Increase your fitness and strength with these 28-minute workouts.


With the most recent announcement delaying the re-opening of schools, we hope you’re prioritising your mental health and wellbeing. We have shared some ideas on handling teacher stress and in our recent webinar, discussed coping strategies, self-compassion and ways to support our friends: Towards Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Still looking for the right job opportunity? Zen Educate is still looking for supply teachers in London, Birmingham and Manchester during this lockdown.

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  1. Hello

Watch how to sign 'Hello' in British Sign Language
an expression of greeting

2. Good morning

Watch how to sign 'Good Morning' in British Sign Language
a conventional expression of greeting or farewell

3. Good afternoon

Watch how to sign 'Good Afternoon' in British Sign Language
a conventional expression of greeting or farewell

4. Yes

Watch how to sign 'yes' in British Sign Language
an affirmative

5. No

Watch how to sign 'No' in British Sign Language
a negative

6. Please

Watch how to sign 'Please' in British Sign Language
used in polite request

Please by Deafway

7. Thank You

Watch how to sign 'Thank you' in British Sign Language
a conversational expression of gratitude

8. Classroom

Watch how to sign 'Classroom' in British Sign Language
a room in a school where lessons take place

Classroom by Nathanael Farley

2 additional signs

9. Settle Down

Watch how to sign 'calm down' in British Sign Language
become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation

Relax by SymbolPost7, supplementary placards

10. Teacher

Watch how to sign 'Teacher' in British Sign Language
a person whose occupation is teaching

Teacher by Nathanael Farley

2 additional signs

Zen Educate is transforming how schools find great teachers.

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Zen Educate Limited is registered in England and Wales.

Office address: Unit 2.01 Canterbury Court, 1–3 Brixton Road, London SW9 6DE

Registered Office 9th Floor, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN

Company number 10382721 · VAT No. GB262602523